Desexed Lilac Pt. Siamese Kitten,Congratulations to Marcelle Brown on her success at the North Coast National A & I Society Lismoreon 20th.October, 2007 Supreme Exhibit in both rings under Rhondda Watson and G. Dumigan .
Lilac tabby pt. Siamese kitten, at 12 weeks.Now owned by Adele Austin.Picture by Sandra Lower at the CCCof A National held on 21st.and 22nd.July 2007,where she was supreme group 2 exhibit in ring 6. Judge Jill HendersonCongratulations to Adele Austin and Tomelima Lilac kisses on their Best in Show kitten both rings, and best Group 2 exhibit Ring 1. at the Feline Health Research Fund Charity show on 30th.September 2007.Judges were Lesley Freemann and Sharlene Proctor.
(Lilac Tabby pt. Siamese Male Kitten.)4th. Best Group 2 Kitten 2004 (NSW)(in just 6 shows.)
lilac tabby pt. siamese male kitten. (shown here at 16 weeks)Owned by Phillipa Perkins of Sinjin Siamese and Orientals.2003 ILLAWARRA PEDIGREED CAT FANCY SHOW.12th September 2004 Best in Section Both Rings Best Siamese Male Kitten Both RingsBest Kitten Ring 1 Best Gp 2 ExhibitBest Kitten Allbreeds in Show
(Tabby Pt Siamese Male) Owned by Lisa McNeal of Syana Cats.2004 Best Gp 2 Kitten of the Year (South Australia)Longhair cat club (Kitten and Neuter show): Best Siamese Kitten ( Both rings)Best Group 2 Kitten ( Both rings) Supreme Exhibit in showJudges Rex Perkins & Joanne Frank
Tomelima Tiarella
FCCV GROUP 2 KITTEN OF THE YEAR 2003(Lilac Tabby Pt Siamese Female)and below: FCCV 3RD GROUP 2 KITTEN OF THE YEAR 2003(Choc Pt Siamese Male)
Tomelima Tyrone
Tomelima Tiarella Pedigree
(Lilac Tabby Pt Siamese FK)Best Gp 2 Exhibit Ring 1 Judged by Anne Fanning (FASA)SUNSHINE CAT CLUB17th August 2003
Tomelima Tiarella
(Lilac Tabby Pt Siamese FK)Supreme Exhibit in Show Ring 1Meryle with FCCV All Breeds Judge Diane Reynolds.
Gold Double Grand Ch Tomelima Thats Amore (Morrie)
(Seal Point Siamese)NEW ZEALAND CAT FANCYSouthern Region Annual Awards2002 Best Shorthair Siamese Oriental Cat and 3rd Best KittenMARLBOROUGH ALL BREEDS SHOWBest Siamese in all 3 rings and Best All Shorthair Entire catunder Judge Raewyn Copland.
(Lilac Point Siamese)FCCV 5th Best Gp 2 Cat of the Year 2002 .
All photographs in this website are copyright to Meryle Frame of Tomelima Cattery
and must
not be copied or used without permission
Tomelima Logo Made on Commission by Sandra Soper